Michael Dorsey started working with LegalShield, alongside his father, Mike Dorsey, Sr., in the mid 90's and quickly built a large international sales organization that has recruited well over 100,000 associates and produced several hundred thousand memberships. His team has helped over 40 team members create a Six Figure Income working from home and has over a dozen LegalShield Millionaire Club Members. Michael & Amy are $500,000 Ring Earners, Platinum World Council Members and Inaugural Millionaire Club Members in LegalShield. He has always worked Opportunity Leads into his daily operations but knows that leads are a PART of building a successful business alongside the Proven Success System LegalShield has in place! These leads are the very BEST leads he has personally worked in years.
Larry & Doni Smith started working with LegalShield in 1996 and quickly went to the top of the company generating a multiple six figure income in their first 2 years with the company. They are Platinum World Council Members, $500,000 Ring Earners and Inaugural Millionaire Club Members. They have built and international sales team and helped many associates on their team to generate a six figure income and enter the LegalShield Millionaire's Club as well.
Michael and Larry both believe "The Master is Forever the Student!" Mr. Brian Carruthers, the #2 money earner in LegalShield has done an excellent job in working leads from the day he joined the company. We believe his training is excellent and are happy to let you receive this training from him on the best way to work leads.
Michael will be hosting a LIVE DIAL LEAD SESSION as his schedule permits, if you'd like to be notified please text your first and last name to 770-624-6557 and ask to be added to the LIVE DIAL LIST and you will be notified in advance of him making the calls to these same leads you will be using. You will pick up tips on what to say and how to overcome objections and much more!
Over the last 12+ years we've realized one thing we can generate the best lead available in the market place but if you aren't confident in your approach, don't follow-up promptly and/or "KNOW" what to say and how to say it, most of the time, the potential of that prospect may never be discovered. Needless to say, many more prospects than you would imagine DO join a business, the fact is they just don't join YOURS.
With that said, we provide some of the most comprehensive training and development programs available for network marketers today! Our goal is simple. Never leave ONE - "lead" behind. The fact is, you can't sign-up what you can't "attract". Here's the honest truth. We've found that most people "repel" their leads, if and when, they call them.
Now, don't be discouraged, let me explain. Unfortunately, when some networkers get a prospect on the phone they feel they have to GET IT ALL IN - it's information OVERLOAD. Instead, we recommend you follow a simple "no puking on the prospect," rule of thumb no need to try to say TOO much. And this is where we come in!! We HELP you and your team find the right script and develop a simple message that will allow you to set MORE appointments - GUARANTEED!
So what can you expect from us in the TRAINING Dept?...Recently, we've hired a legend in his own right. A veteran since 1994, Brian Carruthers has personally enrolled over 1450 people from LEADS, and his team is over 400,000 reps strong. Brian has recruited over 10 people personally every month for his first ten years in business. He now works from home and does nothing but train and support network marketers like YOU. He now focuses on mentoring & coaching the industry on how to truly work from home, via the phone by calling candidates (leads) for their business opportunities. Several of his TOP reps came from leads, including two - 'Millionaire Club Members.'
With Brian in our corner, we feel our "LIVE - Dial" trainings, our script building, and our "HOW TO" approach, it gives YOU the BEST value in the business. While some 'gurus' sell their courses for $100s, or even $1000s per month, you get it FREE by working with us!